Friday, October 25, 2013

Pelješac - Peninsula of Ecxellent Wines

The best wines come from the Dingac slopes behind the mountain where the ground is very stony and where you would not think the chances are big of producing any kind of crop. Even so, believe me some of the wines are world class and since the return of Croats, who have learned wine production in California, the quality has been stable. Go into one of the places where they offer you samples of their wines. Taste them - and try also to taste the more expensive ones. If you enjoy wines and maybe even has it as a hobby, you will be able to taste something that is still quite rare in Europe, but is sure to gain respect over the next few years. The typical Dingac is a strong, dry red wine with 14% alcohol content, but there are several variations, and they also produce some good white wines (the best one I have tasted for years - actually). If you want to taste the most famous Dingac wine you have to go down towards the little town Trstenik - that is well before you get to Potomje at the eastern edge of Dingac district. Half way down from the main road on the left you find the house of Mr. Grgic. He makes one red wine and be warned - it is expensive, 250 Kuna when we last checked - per bottle. Hefty, but I promise you it is something quite unique. The wines from the area west of the Dingac District are called Postup. It is the same grapes, but very different wines.

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